First step: login:
One Time only- First and Last name mandatory. Other info is optional
Crop type, Pest
Release Now or put on Hold
If desired field is one you’ve entered before, click the box to select that specific field(s)
Once field(s) is selected, click “Create” and go to step 4
If desired field is not shown, click “Create” and continue with next step to map field.
Select a drawing tool at the top
Save map!
Make sure to select the right box:
Choose the product in the drop down box and the hit the “Add Product” button
When all the chemicals show in the list, you are done
Either enter another job for this grower or go back to Grower Tab for next entry
Job— means Field(s)
"Accepted" / "Enrolled"— means field is "On Hold" and will be sprayed when Released by you
"Released"— means you are sure of when the field needs to be sprayed and gives us permission to spray it on the date you specify.
"Archive Jobs"— Tab will display Cancelled Orders and orders done in prior years
"Scheduled" / "Pending"— Means we have planned it into our loads for the next 24-48 hours. The map is then un-editable.